用栗色背景覆盖着蓝色藤蔓的图形, 蓝色地球仪, 还有"人文学科四月11-14日无绑定"的字样
University Announces First 三位一体人文学科会议

澳门金沙赌城线上游戏兴奋地宣布,它将举办第一届 三位一体人文学科会议 2024年4月11日至14日,名为“人文解放”(Humanities Unbound). 通过一系列备受喜爱的新活动, 会议将为学者们提供一个空间, 学生, 教育工作者, 和社会各界聚集在一起讨论和交流思想.

The conference has come together through the efforts of the School of Arts 和 Humanities, 会议和特别节目, 澳门金沙赌城线上游戏出版社, 科茨库, 澳门金沙赌城线上游戏人文学院,并得到……的指导 凯尔·吉列01级, Ph.D., newly appointed Special Adviser to the Provost for Expression 和 Civil Discourse. 我们请吉列分享他对会议主题的看法, 关键事件, 及对大学的整体意义.


​“Humanities Unbound” is about humanistic inquiry freed from boundaries that separate disciplines or restrict research to the ivory tower. 例如, a scholar of religion might study the significance of sacrifice in particular religious traditions, while a philosopher may ask what sacrifice is or what it means to citizenship. Each will do so through highly specialized 字段 that have developed through centuries of conversation. 历史学家, 古典主义者, or archaeologists would use different kinds of evidence 和 reasoning to contextualize how sacrifice has shaped civic institutions. 文学学者, 艺术历史, 和 performance studies may explore how images or narratives of sacrifice play out in various artistic forms. These experts examine different objects 和 ask different kinds of questions developed through distinct 字段 of discourse. 但它们也关系到彼此最深层的利害关系. This conference encourages people working in disparate 字段 to engage one another’s ideas across the boundaries that separate them.

Academic disciplines develop depth 和 precision from their specialized methods 和 areas of study, but part of what makes a liberal arts education so meaningful is the connection undergraduate 学生 make 之间的 字段. 我记得自己是澳门金沙线上赌博官网的学生, talking to my roommate at three in the morning about the nature of time 和 how cultures transform. We drew from all kinds of classes: a seminar on poetry of the Harlem Renaissance, 一个是关于道教和佛教的, 另一个是关于法国大革命的历史. 我们从人文学科以外的课程中获得信息, 还有:人类进化, 地质, 经济学, 政治科学. 和教室一样,我们的教室也很热闹.m. 谈话梳理出我们受教育的意义和目的. 很多学生都是这样. 这就是为什么 学习人文学科 这是文科教育的核心要素吗. 本次会议期间, 学生, 教师, 工作人员, 和 the 圣安东尼奥 public will be able to embrace that holistic liberal arts experience to engage vital questions across disciplines.

​The theme of “Humanities Unbound” also refers to freedom from the boundaries that can limit these disciplines to the academy. Far from esoteric or lofty concerns, humanities ask questions fundamental to, well, humanity. 过好生活意味着什么? 不同的叙事形式是如何纪念死者的? Why do certain images or tropes repeatedly emerge from separate periods 和 cultures? 人们如何跨越社会差异进行沟通? Where can citizens from diverse backgrounds 和 experiences find resources to build political trust, 参与民主? This conference invites 学生 和 教师 to share their humanities work in a public fashion, 向更广泛的社区传达利害关系.

公共访问是关键. 整个会议, 免费向公众开放, 是否被艺术的重要性所束缚, 民主, 以及接受教育的机会. 桑德拉·西斯内罗斯,《 芒果街上的房子女人大喊小溪和其他故事, 今年的阿图罗马德里讲座将于4月11日开始, 谈论她在圣安东尼奥与艺术家们的生活. 第二天下午, Dr. 丹尼尔•艾伦 发表弗洛拉·卡梅伦演讲. Dr. 艾伦是哈佛大学政治哲学教授, 公共政策, 和 ethics; the director of the Allen Lab for Democracy Renovation; 和 the director of the Democratic Knowledge Project. 她将在对话中讨论民主和公民身份 Dr. 迈克•菲舍尔澳门金沙线上赌博官网的Janet S. 迪克公共人文学科教授. 随后,博士. Allen will meet with the student reading group that has been gathering with President Beasley, 教务长Mustain, 和我一起讨论她的书 与陌生人交谈:自布朗案以来的公民焦虑. 教育委员会. After two days of interdisciplinary 教师 panels on time 和 space in the humanities 和 student sessions on a wide range of topics, we’ll have a panel about the importance of the freedom to read featuring First Lady of 圣安东尼奥 Erika Prosper 和 moderated by 圣安东尼奥快报 columnist 卡里瓣 (this event is co-sponsored by 科茨库 和 the 圣安东尼奥 chapter of the National Council of Jewish Women). 这出戏 费芙和她的朋友们 作者:María Irene forn, 会议的主题是什么, involves seven women planning a salon event to raise money for arts in education. 民主和受教育的机会是这次会议的核心. 作为博士. 艾伦的研究表明,这两件事是密切相关的.

It's more important than ever for universities like 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 to be a beacon for education’s value, not only to prepare 学生 for careers of the future but also to critically assess society 和 reimagine possibilities. 不仅要磨练专业知识,还要跨越差异思考和交谈. 因此,大学是民主的熔炉. Humanities 和 interdisciplinary connections are fundamental to that mission. 在澳门金沙线上赌博官网, 学生 learn not only how to meet challenges but also to discern lives of meaning 和 purpose, 单独的或相互关联的. Thinking across the humanities helps the whole community reflect on the past 和 imagine the future.

Each of the conference’s student presentations 和 教师 roundtables contributes to that mission. 第一个教师小组, 在星期六上午, 探索“人文时间:死亡”, 死亡, 和死亡率"从不同学科的角度. 第二个, 周日, explores “Humanities Space: the architecture 和 material culture of humanist inquiry.” Each student session explores ideas across disciplines 和 puts them into conversation.

In my new role as Special Adviser to the Provost for Expression 和 Civil Discourse, I work to facilitate discussions that shed light on vital questions 和 communicate across different ways of seeing the world. 我希望这次会议 澳门金沙线上赌博官网秋季艺术节, sparks meaningful conversations far beyond the walls of the University—even at three in the morning.



阿图罗马德里讲座系列介绍桑德拉西斯内罗斯, “保持圣安东尼奥·拉姆齐:我在洛杉矶艺术家中的生活”
7-8:30 p.m. |劳瑞礼堂


Flora Cameron系列讲座. 丹尼尔·艾伦在与Dr. 迈克•菲舍尔 
5-6 p.m. |劳瑞礼堂

费芙和她的朋友们 作者:María艾琳·福恩萨斯,指导. 雷切尔·约瑟夫 
8-11 p.m. 斯蒂文剧场


教师主导的跨学科圆桌讨论, 《澳门金沙赌城线上游戏》
9:30-11 a.m. |梅比礼堂(Dicke Hall 104)

11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.迪克大厅教室和研讨室

9 a.m.-5 p.m. |中央图书馆和西南校区

费芙和她的朋友们 作者:María艾琳·福恩萨斯,指导. 雷切尔·约瑟夫 
8-11 p.m. 斯蒂文剧场


教师主导的跨学科圆桌讨论, "Humanities Space: the architecture 和 material culture of humanist inquiry”
9:30-11 a.m. |梅比礼堂(Dicke Hall 104)

11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.迪克大厅教室和研讨室

在德克萨斯州不要乱动(书) 与圣安东尼奥第一夫人埃里卡·普罗斯普洛斯的谈话,由S安东尼奥快报新闻专栏作家 卡里瓣
2-4 p.m. |查普曼礼堂

费芙和她的朋友们 作者:María艾琳·福恩萨斯,指导. 雷切尔·约瑟夫 
2:30-5:30 p.m. 斯蒂文剧场

所有这些活动都是免费向公众开放的. 有关这些活动的更多信息,请访问 事件.澳门金沙线上赌博官网.edu/tuhu.

For 150 years, 圣澳门金沙赌城线上游戏 has transformed challenge into boundless opportunity. 在www上加入运动的力量.澳门金沙线上赌博官网.edu.
